‘Belief +’ is a discussion tool that will prepare you to answer the difficult questions that we can be asked as Christians.
Each Belief + Ridley Award is focused on a particular topic and will support you to understand and discuss this topic from a Christian perspective.
Belief +, as with all Ridley Awards, supports the Christian church to participate in the mission of God.
Each Belief + Ridley Award is broken down into a:
Podcast where Christian leaders will share wisdom and insight on a specific topic. Some of the podcasters will be theologians, some will be actively engaged in ministry, but all will have deep insight and wisdom from their own faith journey and ministry experience to share with you.
An opportunity to present your thoughts and reflections in a debate format. The debate format encourages thoughtful exploration of what are often sensitive issues.
Our hope is that Belief + will better prepare you to engage with family, friends, and others who we know from recent research want to have these discussions with us – see ‘The Talking Jesus’ report from the EA.
Belief + is currently under development. Come back soon to track our progress.